"United" is a short film by On Man, directed and produced by Andrew Harvey Gannon.
Official Website: https://www.thisisonman.com
Directed and Produced by: Andrew Harvey Gannon
Costume Design: Henry Wilkinson
Director of Photography: Pablo Rojo
Production Manager: Lorine Plagnol

Along with director Andrew Harvey-Gannon, we explored the idea of creating a neutral colour palette, so that the costumes themselves would not necessarily be noticeable and would act mainly as a facilitator for the tableau.
The actors needed loose and casual clothing , so to further emphasise the relationship dynamic I decided to dress the actress in an oversized 'boyfriend' shirt: one that could have originally been his.
Initial design ideas, using an all-grey colour palette. We later decided to remove the shoes as they were too much of a distraction, and to use shades of tan and beige in the colour scheme.

Using lighter shades on the areas of blood, I came to a final design concept. The aim was to create an image of dishevelment with a loose-fitting and relaxed style of dress: highlighting their relationship dynamic in the yin-yang style colour blocking. The costumes themselves were designed to almost disappear, and were intended to blur into the neutral background of the set.